Complaints after an injury, due to wear and tear or strain?
With physiotherapy and medical massages you can regain the best possible freedom of movement and pain. At the Medical Center Quellenhof we work with holistic methods to prevent the development of problems or to reduce and eliminate existing complaints.
After a detailed, comprehensive anamnesis, a system of examinations and findings tailored to your individual needs is carried out according to the latest scientific findings. This ensures that we always treat the cause of your functional complaints and not just their symptoms. Depending on the functional or activity restrictions identified in the findings, specific physiotherapy techniques and medical massages are applied.
These include measures in the form of movement therapy and physical therapy, in which the therapeutic effect of massages, water, heat/cold and laser as well as current impulses are used. All of these serve the prevention and treatment of physical illnesses as well as rehabilitation after overcoming illnesses.